The latest news and key topics for businesses looking to locate and grow in Kent.
High Street Demise is Win for Warehouses
Brachers Corporate Team has advised Paul and Louise Garry on the successful sale of Fire Action Limited to Spy Alarms Limited.
Discovery Park is delighted to announce that it has signed a two year agreement with The Innovation Forum that will help to elevate start-ups in the life sciences industry and open up networks between innovators and the wider science community.
As Kent and Medway inward investment agency, our strategic aim is to secure new investment for the region to create and safeguard jobs. We do this by promoting key sector opportunities and providing an extensive package of free support to potential domestic and foreign investors.
The region’s green future will be a key focus of the fifth annual Kent and Medway Business Summit on Friday 14 January 2022.
The physical impact of stressed supply chains is hitting many businesses hard and is likely to do so well into 2022. A cashflow crisis is likely to follow in the next six-12 months as margins are squeezed leaving businesses with shortfalls in working capital.
Nimisha explains why she set up her food business in Kent
Alex explains how Kent’s connectivity has improved her business